Mother's Wories was published in The Autism File 2010 My son, Charles is now ten years old and attends a mainstream school for four and a half days a week and half a day at a special school. He can now talk the hind leg off a donkey and he’s doing well in most of his subjects. However the beginning part of his life was very stressful and went in a blur of battles with the authorities over entitlements, hospital appointments, form filling and appropriate schools. Not to mention the many levels of anxiety I felt, the despair, the loneliness and guilt… for what, I wasn’t quite sure! But throughout it all I have meet some very good people and have experienced some wonderful moments in my son’s life. This story is about how one of the after school activities we joined helped me move forward and opened a new world in social skills for Charles. MOTHER’S WORRIES It was our doctor that suggested that we enroll Charles in an out of scho...
An inspiring and hopeful journey of my sons life from pre-diagnosis. through infant,junior and senior school, culminating with my son taking his GCSE exams and progressing onto university, with examples and anecdotes.