Chapter four MEDICAL CHECKUPS I never thought at the time there might problems with Charles’ eyes or ears. So when it was suggested by the professionals to have some tests done, I was concerned. They said it was just to rule out any other underlining problems. As if he hadn’t enough! The first test was for his hearing, and for someone who may be hard of hearing the nurses was asking him a lot of questions. Charles didn’t pay much attention, just made a bee line straight for the toy box. Once his toy had been chosen the nurses encouraged him to sit down. There was a lot of messing about with equipment but eventually they started to wire him up to the machine, ‘When you hear the noise, Charles, we want you to click that button!’ Before she could get the word, ‘Okay’ out of her mouth Charles had hit the button several times! So they had to repeat the instructions again. I was just about to state the obvious when he’d had enough and made a dash for the door whils...
An inspiring and hopeful journey of my sons life from pre-diagnosis. through infant,junior and senior school, culminating with my son taking his GCSE exams and progressing onto university, with examples and anecdotes.